Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Project PD Mysteries & Thirllers: The Circular Staircase

The Circular Staircase is a mystery novel written by Mary Roberts Rinehart and was originally published in 1908. In this book, Rinehart’s first bestseller, Rachel Innes, a well-to-do spinstress rents a home in the country for the summer. Her orphaned niece and nephew, Gertrude and Halsey, who are in their early twenties and are in her custody arrive to the rented house the day after Rachel. On the her first night at the house, Rachel starts hearing noises in the stairway at around 3:00 AM. When she opens her bedroom door to investigate, the noises had stopped and nobody is there. When Gertrude and Halsey arrive the next day, Halsey has a friend along who plans on staying the night. That night there are gun shots in the house, again at 3:00 AM. When they get downstairs, there is a dead body on the floor and Halsey, along with his friend have disappeared. Rachel decides to try solving this crime since it appears the Halsey and Gertrude might be implicated with the murder. Along the way, many more mysterious things happen.

The way this book is written, the author draws the readers in and keeps their attention by everything that goes on without there being too much that would cause readers to get confused. There is plenty action and mysteries in this book and is a very good read.

If interested in reading this book, you can download it in various formats from the following sites:

World of Sleuths Rating:  ➷➷➹➹➹ 
(Five out of six arrows)


  1. Terrific review Tim. I adored her books as a teenager. Thanks so much for the Gutenberg link. I downloaded this & am excited to re-read it as I’ve forgotten so much of the story.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting! I give links for all the books I review. With the ones in the Public Domain, such as this one, I give the links to get it for free from Project Gutenberg or Many Boos so that you can download them for free.

  2. Haven’t tried many books but will check it out.
