Friday, February 8, 2019

March Mystery Madness 2019

It’s about that time of the year again and my favorite month of the year for reading. “What are you talking about?” you ask? Why it’s about time for the March Mystery Madness readathon. March Mystery Madness is a readathon that was created four years ago by two Booktubers Elizabeth (lizziefayeLovesBooks) and Troi (Troi Towel). Since then, the readathon has been expanded to Goodreads, Twitter and Instagram. The first year I participated was two years ago, less than a month after I started making videos on Booktube. Last year, Elizabeth wanted to add more co-hosts and asked me to be one of them, which I accepted. I was asked to be a co-host again this year and I couldn’t turn it down.

Like most readathons, there are challenges for this one. We have established five one word prompts which can be interpreted by readers in various ways and a bonus prompt for this year. The books that qualify are more than just mysteries. They can be thrillers, suspense, police procedural, true crime, pretty much anything that some sort of mystery of any kind is to be solved. The challenges/prompts are:

1.) Old – Read an older mystery/thriller such as a Sherlock Holmes book or one written by Agatha Christie. Or it could be a historical mystery or thriller. Or it could be one that gives you an old feeling.

2.) Again – Reread a mystery or thriller or read one by an author in which you read another one of their books or read another book in a series.

3.) New – Read a newly released mystery or thriller, or read a book that you just bought, or read one that is by an author that you’ve never any of their works.

4.) Borrowed – Read a mystery or thriller you checked out from a library, or one borrowed from a friend, or one from Kindle Unlimited.

5.) Blue – Read a mystery or thriller with a blue cover, or one that has blue in the title, or one that makes you feel blue, or one that has a setting around blues music.

Bonus) Read a mystery or thriller that has a wedding in it.

If you want to participate in it and make a video on YouTube or a post on Instagram, please leave #MarchMysteryMadness somewhere that it will let us know that others know that you are participating.

Here’s the announcement video that I posted on Booktube this morning:

The Goodreads group for this readathon can be found at:

I have a Goodreads group that does a read-along of a book in a series each month. The book that we will be reading next month will be Pop Goes the Weasel by James Patterson. That book would qualify for the again challenge if you have been reading these along with the group or if you read anything by James Patterson before. My Goodreads group can be found at:

I will be posting more videos related to this throughout the rest of this month and next month. I will post something here when I make the videos that pertains the subject matter for this blog.

Below are the links to the other co-hosts channel. The will be posting videos from today through the end of March that promise to be interesting, so you might want to view them and subscribe if you have a Google account (that includes a gmail account). Here are their channels and other links:


Troi Towel

Goodreads Moderator/Twitter Host:
Disis19 Hearts



Jayne Catherine On Books



Paperback Junky

Pretty Brown Eye Reader

Remembered Reads

Retired Book Nerd

Steeped in Books

Steve Donoghue

The Redhead is Reading

World of Sleuths

Guest host:
Books Like Whoa