Friday, February 9, 2018

March Mystery Madness 2018 Announcement

March Mystery Madness is a month long readathon of mysteries and thrillers on Booktube (the book community on YouTube), GoodReads and Twitter. It was started two years ago by Elizabeth, channel name LizziefayeLovesBooks, and Troi, of Troi Towel, both small channels. Last year they added Di, Disis19 Hearts, another small channel, as another co-host and they also created the Goodreads group Mystery Madness where readers could participate along with on Booktube. They also did activities on twitter.

I had started my Booktube channel shortly less than a month before the event began last year and participated in it. There were seven challenges in it last year, designed at specific mysteries, more towards cozy mysteries. I adapted them more to what I was comfortable with reading which is thrillers .

This year, it was decided to invite more people to host the readathon, which include me, whose mystery preferences range from romantic suspense to cozy mystery, hard-boiled mysteries and various types of thrillers. There are nineteen hosts and three guest hosts this year. Most of the hosts have Booktube channels, some big and some small, like me. There are some of us that have blogs that we are using to spread word of the event this year. 

When working on planning the challenges for this year's readathon, it was generally agreed upon not to target any specific type of mystery in our challenges. We came up with six one-word challenges that can be interpreted by the participants how they see fit. Those challenges are:

1.  Shelf - This could be a mystery or thriller from you physical book shelf, ereader shelf, Goodreads          shelf, library shelf, etc.
2.  Borrow - This could be a book borrowed from the library, a friend, Hoopla, CloudLibrary,  
         Kindle Unlimited, etc.
3.  New - This could be a mystery or thriller that's a debut novel, a new to you author, a new novel by          an author, etc.
4.  Historical - This can be a classic mystery such as Sherlock Holmes or something by Agatha 
         Christie or a mystery or thriller that's written by a modern author that takes place sometime in  
5.  Foreign - This one can be a translated mystery or thriller or one that takes place in a country other
        than where you live, etc.
6.  Opposite - This one can be from a mystery or thriller sub-genre that you never read or a par of
        mysteries that are polar opposites.

The hosts are posting their announcement videos today on Booktube. Here is a link to my video:  March Mystery Madness Announcement

Whenever I post a new video for March Mystery Madness, I will post a new corresponding post here in this blog and include a link to the video.

Below are the links for the channels for all of the hosts for this year's March Mystery Madness. I encourage you to visit all of their channels. We will all be posting mystery related videos from now through the end of march.

Hosts for #MarchMysteryMadness 2018: 
Subscribe to see all their mystery related videos during March!
Mike and Becca from Books and Looks

Mara from bookslikewhoa
Courtny from Courtagonist
Di from Disis19 Hearts (hosting for her 2nd year)
Emily of Emily Sears

Catherine from Jayne Catherine on Books

Kay of Kay T

Kady  @lilkadykitty on Twitter will be hosting Twitter sprints
Elizabeth from LizziefayeLovesBooks (co-creator) 
Laura from mom2triplets04

Sarah from Not Just Romance Novels
Jen of Remembered Reads

Jo of Retired Book Nerd

Steve of Steve Donoghue

Stephanie from Time to Read 
Tim of World of Sleuths

Guest hosts:

Troi of Troi Towel (co-creator)

The Goodreads group Mystery Madness can be found at